At the dawn of the
third millennium, intending to lay foundation for a Eucharistic centered
priestly, religious and ecclessial life, the Missionary Congregation of the
Blessed Sacrament (MCBS) took the humble step of establishing its own
theological seminary, sanathana – Divya Karunya Vidya Peetham (DKV)
at Thamarassery, in Kerala, India. Though the primary purpose of this
theologate is formation and education of the MCBS seminarians, Sanathana warmly
welcomes candidates from the various dioceses and other religious communities.
An eight semester curriculam envisioned at DKV offers various courses and
training programmes aimed at forming the candidates in to mature, Holy and His
The long cherished dream of the
Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament to establish a theologate of
its own was first expressed in the General Synaxes convened in 1997 and 2001.
In accordance with the synaxis' decision, twenty one acres of land was
purchased at Thamarassery on 15th July 1999. And on 24th May 2001 His
Excellency Mar Thomas Elavanal mcbs, the bishop of Kalyan, laid the foundation
stone for the Sanathana MCBS Theologate. On 7th June 2004, His Excellency Mar Paul
Chittilapilly, the bishop of Thamarassery, blessed this seminary and
inaugurated the first academic year 2004-2005 of the Divya Karunya
Vidyapeetham, in the presence of Very Rev Fr George Karintholil, the Superior
General of MCBS, Very Rev Fr Joseph Erumachadath, and Very Rev Fr George
Kizhakkemury, the then provincials of Emmaus and Zion Provinces respectively.
His Grace Mar Jacob Thoomkuzhy, the Archbishop of Thrissur, inaugurated the
second academic year 2005-2006 on 6th June 2005. His Grace Mar George
Valiamattom, the Archbishop of Thalassery, inaugurated the third academic year
2006-2007 on 5th June 2006. On 3rd July 2006His Excellency Mar Paul
Chittilapilly officially inaugurated Sanathana, the Divya Karunya Vidyapeetham,
the theologate of the Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. On 5th
June 2007 His grace Mar Joseph Perumthottam Arch Bishop of
Changanassery,inagurated the fourth academic year of Divya Karunya
Very Rev. fr. Geroge
Kizhakkemurry, the MCBS Superior General, inaugurated the Fifth academic year
2008-2009 on 5th June 2008. His Excellency Mar paul Chittilappilly, Bishop of
Thamarassery, inaugurated the sixth academic Year 2009-2010 on 4th June 2009.
Sanathana Divya Karunya Vidyapeetham became affiliated to the faculty of
Theology of the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome by the decree of the
Congregation for Catholic Education (Decree No. 908/2009/4) on October 5, 2009.
His Excellency Joseph Mar Thomas, Bishop of Bathery, inaugurated the seventh
academic year 2010-2011 0n 3rd June 2010.
The name of the MCBS Theologate
is Sanathana , which means eternal embodiment of the divine
sacrament and sacrifice that takes one to the summit of an authentic
religious/priestly life consisting in self-immolation as expressed in the
Eucharistic sacrifice of Jesus. The Word became flesh as primordial sacrifice
and sacrament. “I have to undergo a baptism” (Lk 12, 50) which means His death
on the cross for human salvation. “The blood of bulls you did not want… but you
have given me a body… hence I come to perform sacrifice,” (Ps 40, 7-9; Heb 10,
Seen from this perspective, the
Eucharist is the Eternal Embodiment ( Sanathana) of the
communion and compassion of Jesus where sacrifice and sacrament blend in a very
special way. Authentic priestly and religious life is a sacrificial offering of
one's self that demands constant self-transformation, self-transcendence and
the concomitant socio-political consciousness.
The emblem of Divya
Karunya Vidyapeetham (DKV) radiates the Eucharistic wisdom permeating
the learning, lifestyle and culture. The upadesa-mudra at the
centre of the emblem represents the Risen Christ. He is the Divine Guru (master)
who imparts vidya through altar and cross to the sishya (disciple)
symbolised by the burning flame. Through constant self-sacrifice sishya dispels
all forms of ignorance, and impurity and becomes enlightened with the light of
the Word and the life giving Eucharistic bread. Abiding in the Word - the two
edged sword that pierces spirit and joints from the marrow - and nourishing
from the life-giving Bread - the epiphany of communion - will enable one to
lead a life of Trinitarian and cosmic communion and will awaken in the priestly
candidate a mystico-socio-political consciousness. This is what the Missionary
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament aims at imparting to all the candidates
at Sanathana, the Divya Karunya Vidyapeetham.
The motto of Divya Karunya
Vidyapeetham inscribed in the emblem is the prayer of the disciples of
Emmaus, Stay with us Lord (Lk 24,29). Pope John Paul II took
this prayer as the title of his Apostolic Letter, Mane Nobiscum Domine.
This apostolic letter in connection with the Eucharistic Year 2004-2005, is the
culmination of his Eucharistic teachings contained in Tertio Millennio
Adveniente, Novo Millennio Ineunte , Ecclesia de
Eucharistia and Redemptionis Sacramentum.Divya Karunya
Vidyapeetham established in the Eucharistic Year, upholds the values
and principles of the Eucharist that leads one to a life of divine compassion
through its celebration, contemplation, and adoration. The Eucharistic centred
priestly and religious training offered at Divya Karunya
Vidyapeetham will enable the candidates not only to free themselves
from the snares of existential trials and tribulations but also to recognise
and serve the Eucharistic Jesus in the happy as well as tragic times, places
and persons.
Anchoring on the Most Holy Eucharist, the source of eternal life and wisdom, DKV imparts a system of theological formation suited to the twenty first century and aims at enlightening the candidates to form the people of the Eucharistic Millennium. A profound theological, especially Eucharistic didactics together with an organic interface among various courses and exposures will naturally lead the candidates to the concurrent pastoral, social and missiological realities, and challenges. To bring about such an organic inter relatedness, theological subjects deliberated under various titles have been configured in overarching themes such as :
Introducing Major Theological Themes in the Asian context and culture.
Focussing on Jesus Christ and His Church
Mission, Ministry and Meetings with Cultures, Religions and the Poor
Becoming a True Disciple of Christ and Dedicating Oneself to God and His
The introductory courses in the first year emphasise the theological contextualisation. The second year focuses on the epicentre of theology, that is, Jesus Christ and His Church. The third year highlights the theological concretisation, the praxis of theology through mission, ministry and meetings with cultures, religions and the poor. In the fourth year emphasis is given for personalisation of theology by which the candidate consecrates himself/herself to Christ and dedicates himself/herself for the establishment of the Kingdom of God.
and Organico-Synthentic ProcessThis praxis-sensitive methodology of DKV emphasizes a participative,
interactive, analytical, critical, organic and synthetic learning and teaching
by students and professors respectively. The more a student participates,
interacts, analyses, criticises, and subsequently enhances and synthesises
theological notions, the better he/she will be able to theologically
contextualise, concentrate, concretise, and consecrate himself/herself to the
Eucharistic Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
The theological methodology envisioned by DKV highlights the various subjects
that are taught with an existential reference to the socio-political and
religious-cultural spectrum of Indian and Eastern Reality. To realize this
incarnational approach, theological themes are discussed in a hermeneutics of
correlation which implies a triple dialogue with Asian cultures, Asian religions
and the Asian poor.
Didactic, Empirical and
Transformational Focus in consonance with its vision and
methodology, the Divya Karunya Vidyapeetham has designed its
syllabus in a didactic, empirical and transformational way so that the student
may have ample opportunities to experience the Eucharistic Jesus, not only in
liturgical celebrations but also in the liturgy of life of the suffering
humanity. Hence, besides the regular theological courses, the DKV curriculum
has the following salient features which would enable the student to be in
solidarity with the suffering members of the Mystical Body of Christ.
i. Enhancing the mission
consciousness of the students with special reference to Asia 's social,
cultural and missionary concerns, mission exposure programmes from time to time
will be conducted.
ii. A liturgical and
Eucharistic centred formation will naturally inspire the candidates to serve
the marginalized and victimized in the society. Hence special emphasis will be
given to social and rural programmes so as to awaken the socio-political as well
as rural awareness of the students. Ample opportunities will be offered to the
students to visit the last, lost and least in the society.
iii. Forming good shepherds after
the heart of Jesus for the people of third millennium great attention will be
given to the pastoral formation. Students will be offered opportunities for
pastoral ministry on Sundays.
iv. Promoting theological
creativity by encouraging the students to write and publish theological
articles in the major theological journals.
v. Encountering contemporary
theologians and discussing theological issues will broaden the theological
horizons of students. Hence DKV will provide ample opportunities for seminars
and extension lectures.
Very Rev. Fr. George
Kizhakkemurry MCBS
Mob 9447961312
Mob 9447961312
Rev. Dr. Jose Pathiyamoola mcbs
Dean of Studies
Rev. Dr. Thomas Kozhimala mcbs